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Evaluating default correlation between securities in a portfolio is very important for credit derivatives pricing and risk management. Under the framework of the structural model proposed by Black and Cox, we assume that the asset values of companies are driven by Brownian motions in the worlds of the calendar time and the business time; they then could evolve continuously or by leap. We build the dynamic default correlations using the time-varying correlated Brownian motions in these processes. The sensitivity of default correlations to the key parameters is explored in the paper by numerical examples, and we apply the model to risk management as well. Because default times are unpredictable in the proposed model, the defaults might occur suddenly. Independent defaults and complete correlated defaults can be described in the model as well.  相似文献   
仪器设备在高校教学科研中有着非常重要的作用。仪器设备的日常维护与保养,是保证设备正常运行的一种重要手段,有利于延长仪器设备的使用寿命,提高实验室的综合效益。因此,了解仪器设备及其日常的一些注意事项显得格外重要。总结了UV-2450紫外可见分光光度计的维护与保养方法,特别是常见故障排除的心得与经验,旨在为更好的使用UV-2450紫外可见分光光度计提供参考。  相似文献   
以针叶类珍稀植物粗榧和南方红豆杉的半木质化硬枝为试验材料,对其扦插繁殖技术进行了研究。结果表明:生根剂GGR对粗榧和南方红豆杉均适用,其扦插效果优于IBA;扦插基质选腐殖土为宜,生根效果优于珍珠岩;生根剂浓度以100 mg/L为宜,粗榧插穗经GGR 100 mg/L处理后在腐殖土中生根率达到了75.68%,红豆杉插穗经GGR 100 mg/L处理后在腐殖土中生根率达到了77.55%。  相似文献   
大数据发展日新月异,新的应用需求和实践问题层出不穷,社会各界越来越重视大数据的基础研究。百科全书作为知识门类的概述性著作,是开展和推动基础研究的重要载体。作为大数据知识传播的工具,《大数据百科全书》不仅要有实用与新颖兼备的知识内容,并且还应具备准确严谨与通畅易懂的专业化语言文字表达。其中,术语是《大数据百科全书》不可或缺的有机组成部分,文章总结大数据领域的术语特点,并以此提出《大数据百科全书》术语方面的收录和处理原则。  相似文献   
遗传学是生命科学域的重要基础学科。为适应生命科学的发展,实施创新教育,培养创新人才与卓越人才,《遗传学》实验的教学内容和教学模式必须与时俱进进行改革。随着农业院校培养方案的改革,结合西北农林科技大学创新人才培养的目标和要求,文中在教学内容、教学方法、教学手段、教学过程等方面开展了一系列教学改革的研究与实践,对进一步深化遗传学实验教学改革具有重要意义。  相似文献   
在美国富裕群体中,家庭影院的普及率较高.金融危机迫使美国人暂时放弃这一爱好.如今,随着美国经济逐渐复苏,家庭影院又一次受到追捧.不过,在家里享受极致观影体验的花费确实不菲.  相似文献   
<正>几片玫瑰花瓣飘到了艾茵村的坎儿井中。这是一种具有典型的阿曼风格的水渠。玫瑰花瓣随着水渠中的水流漂荡,绕过一片片种植着玫瑰花的土地。正是因为有了这些植物,阿卡达尔才远近驰名。要知道,阿卡达尔直译过来便是"绿山"。继续漂流的花瓣迅速绕过种满了石榴树、桃树、杏树的园子。最后,花瓣在重力的作用下逐渐消失不见了。几千年来,在阿卡达尔村得益于  相似文献   
正多哈是一座不断给人惊喜的城市。从踏入多哈的科尼什大道开始便令人心醉神迷。科尼什大道是一条与法国蓝色海岸的盎格鲁滨海步行道相仿的海滨大道,全长8千米,沿海湾展开的科尼什大道两旁也种满了棕榈树,不同的是,走在科尼什大道上能感觉来到了22世纪,耸立  相似文献   
Numerous privacy-preserving issues have emerged along with the fast development of the Internet of Things. In addressing privacy protection problems in Wireless Sensor Networks(WSN), secure multi-party computation is considered vital, where obtaining the Euclidian distance between two nodes with no disclosure of either side’s secrets has become the focus of location-privacy-related applications. This paper proposes a novel Privacy-Preserving Scalar Product Protocol(PPSPP) for wireless sensor networks. Based on PPSPP, we then propose a Homomorphic-Encryption-based Euclidean Distance Protocol(HEEDP) without third parties. This protocol can achieve secure distance computation between two sensor nodes. Correctness proofs of PPSPP and HEEDP are provided, followed by security validation and analysis. Performance evaluations via comparisons among similar protocols demonstrate that HEEDP is superior; it is most efficient in terms of both communication and computation on a wide range of data types, especially in wireless sensor networks.  相似文献   
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